School at a distance of a click
We have a digital platform that allows communication between school and family to be very fast and effective.
There are no booklets, notebooks or messages in paper… with this platform, everything that concerns the child is kept and available to Parents and Guardians at any time.
Through this tool, Parents and Guardians have access to:
- the “Placard” where they can find the official school documents (School Regulation, Annual Activity Plan, School Calendar, Menus…);
- the current account where they can access accounting documents such as invoices, receipts, credit notes… they have all the data to be able to make monthly payments at an ATM and, when making the payment, the receipt is automaticly generated;
- pictures of the child’s day-to-day life, always with extra care so that privacy data protection rules are respected;
- the field of daily reports, in which, in addition to a summary of the day’s activities, the Parents and Guardians also have the child’s login and logout records, their meals record during the day (what they ate and whether it was little, enough or a lot), records of their performance when carrying out activities (behavior, commitment, concentration…) and, in the case of the little ones, also the records related to naps and daily hygiene;
- there is also a message field that files all messages, whether they have been sent by the classroom Teacher, the School Board or any other technician and allows to families to send their own messages as well.
In this way, communication is always done in a timely and accurate manner and Parents and Guardians are always aware of what is happening at school.
Informed families are families closer and more involved in their children’s school life.