Annual activity plan
At the beginning of each school year, school defines its Annual Activity Plan (AAP) which contemplates, not only the meetings (PT-Meetings, School Community Meetings, Teachers or School Staff Meetings…) but also:
Celebrations of the main ephemerids
Of Portuguese origin or not, at SEIXAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, we celebrate the main events on the calendar, always sensitive to the specificities of each culture and religion.
Convival events between all elements of the educational community
Christmas and end of the school year are the two most important events of the school year, in which the great family of SEIXAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL joins together but, there are other situations in which we invite parents and other elements of the family or community to participate in childrens’ school life (Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Family Day, we invite Parents to come to school to talk about their jobs or even simply to share a talent or tell a story).
Another situation in which we bring together several elements of the educational community are the Eco-schools Councils in which the guidelines for the environmental sustainability project to be developed in that school year are outlined.
Field trips
Outdoor activities and field trips are highly valued and appreciated by children, so school always tries to contemplate a set of outings throughout the school year.
All activities listed in the AAP are designed within the scope of the School Project and within the scope of each school year theme: “LEARNING BY PLAYING”, “ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY”, “GLOBALIZATION”…